Sunday, August 26, 2018

Walking the Beach

Out here on the beaches of Port Townsend Stroupini and Kadizzle walk the beach every night after supper.  Last night we encountered two wonderful young people, girl and boy cousin.  The young guy had a ukulele.  Stoupini, Kadizzle and the musician sang as the player sat on a beach log.  Strolling along the beach whistling, and singing with the ocean air is a refreshing prelude to sleep.

The wooden boat festival will start here soon. An amazing collection of seminars and learning experiences will be available.  Coming from a boring town like Hazen,  it seems like paradise to be in a town with so much going on.  If you are a water person or a sailor this is a candy store.

Hopefully we can get going on the sail tomorrow.  The weather has been overcast, but the sun is due out.  Just breathing ocean air at sea level is a pleasure.  Television is beating John McCains death to death.  At least McCain had the dignity Trump so lacks.  McCain is such a good contrast to the rat who is now president. If anything comes from McCain's death it should be the realization that a person can be a Republican and not a worthless greedy rodent like Trump. 

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