Thursday, August 30, 2018

Crazy Club opens franchise in Port Townsend

At the Verizon Store this morning two crazy ladies agreed to open a Crazy Club franchise in Port Townsend.  This is excellent news Stroupini and Kadizzle cannot wait to share with the club back home.  Both the fine women seemed abnormal enough to get things going. Kadizzle explained the need for comfortable chairs, and the basic concept of the Club.   Of course they will have to report on their meetings.  Ladies you can report via the email address you were given.  Hopefully they can quickly gain membership.  As the day went on we took several nice hikes and stopped to pick black berries. The abundance of black berries in this part of the country is beyond the comprehension of prairie dwellers.  With Bob we visited an incredible used sailboat junkyard.  It was very fascinating and full of useful items at better prices than you would pay for new parts.

After the most incredible run around with United Airlines Kadizzle finally made arrangements to get home via Denver.  This will enable him to see the snoochel which will be wonderful.

Have not heard from Jasper Littlebottom so one must assume she is high in the Cascade Mountains chugging up and down trails.  Yesterday at the boat Stroupini dropped his phone into the water at the marina.  That is how we ended up at the Verizon store to recruit our new members.

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