Friday, August 17, 2018

Sleeping on the lake

Sleeping in a sailboat is so nice it is almost like fun.  Kadizzle moved the Sovereign over to a little bay by Girl Scout camp to spend the night, dropped the anchor and had a pleasant evening.  A glass of wine and some good stories on NPR.  A boat on anchor faces the wind.  Open the front hatch and you get a pleasant breeze off the fresh lake water.  On the water free to move with the wind the silence is deafening .  Then off you go into that wonderful world of sleep.  Waking up there is a mule deer over on the hill wondering what that boat is doing down there.  If you are reading this mule dear Kadizzle is having a nice cup of coffee.  Prairie Public Radio is getting Kadizzle up to date.  Dear Leader is going to postpone his parade until next year.  92 million is the estimate to honor Dear Leader with a military parade.  Of course his golf budget far exceeds the budget of our county, but Dear Leader is our hero he tells us what we like to hear, and he scars us with his stories of Mexicans and fake news.  We love Dear Leader. He is the kind of liar we all aspire to be.  What crazy thing will Dear Leader do today?

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