Tuesday, August 21, 2018

KFYR right wing propaganda radio

One of the biggest embarrassments to North Dakota is the blaring of right wing idiocy from a 50,000 watt radio station in Bismarck.  Scott Hennen who features himself a miniature Rush Limbaugh blast the slanted lies for a couple hours every morning.  Scott pumps up the right wing dolts on their tractors, and in their trucks.  It is the old routine Hillary's emails, Obama's this that and the other, and most amazing his attack on my good friend Dina Butcher.  Dina is fighting for ethics reform in North Dakota.  Of course the Republicans want no part of closer scrutiny when the energy industry tries to bribe the legislators.  Who could be against more transparency and scrutiny for rotting right wing legislators?

Kadizzle has tried several times to get The Bismarck Tribune to print one of his letters criticizing KFYR.  Probably from some sense of not picking on each other the Tribune would never print  a letter pointing out the duplicity of KFYR.  However, today was a victory. Kadizzle got the Tribune to call out Hennen and his constant lying.  The trick was not to name KFYR or Hennen. Instead by inference Kadizzle was able to point out the little Trumpster.

The Bismarck Tribune may have had enough of Scott and his right wing bullshit.  The other day Little Rush said the Tribune was a liberal rag.  Maybe the Tribune had enough.  Anyway it was with great joy that Kadizzle got off a good shot at the most pathetic radio station in the state.  Almost forgot to mention that after Scott pumps up the Hoopleheads for about two hours the real thing, Rush gets on and really lays on the distortion as thick as peanut butter.

One day when Scott hung up on Kadizzle when he called into propaganda headquarters Kadizzle got pissed off and went to the office of KFYR to complain.  The sales manager explained that the Hoopleheads were a good easy market to reach and they love Scott when he reinforces their delusions.

An interesting thing about KFYR is the advertisers.  Every scam outfit knows that the Hoopleheads listen to right wing radio, so you have the gold scam, the My Pillow nonsense, and all the 19.95 type sales pitches.  The My Pillow nonsense says it all.  Some right wing dinger came up with a new way to stuff a pillow with styrofoam.  The pillow is just like any other pillow, but the placebo effect works wonders on Hoopleheads.  The Pillow guy has made a fortune selling pillows.  He needs to branch out to My Socks, My underwear, and My idiocy. 

Back to the embarrassment.  Imagine some sensible person driving through North Dakota.  They tune into KFYR.  Wow, they hear total dolts calling in and being praised.  What impression do you think an intelligent person would have of a state that sounds like it's biggest corp is right wing dolts?  Fox News is bad enough, but when it spreads to the point where you have mini Rushes firing out nonsense for two hours every day you can see how we end up with Trump.

Almost forgot to mention the most fun part.  Hopefully Scott Limbaugh will find out about Kadizzle's letter in the Tribune today.  Stoupini and Kadizzle will be driving to the train in Minot.  We will be able to hear Scott explain to the Hoopleheads what a terrible paper the Tribune is and what a flaming liberal Kadizzle is.  The Hoopleheads will call in from the trucks and tractors and forsake the Tribune.  It will be so much fun to tweak the Hooples and get their blood circulating.  If all goes well some blood may make it to their brains.

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