Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Good Morning Russians

OK 259 Russians good morning.  If you and Putin wanted to mess up our country with Trump, you have succeeded beyond your wildest dreams.  You have exploited our two biggest resources stupidity, and greed.  You Russians know how easy it is to fool a bunch of bible thumping, gun totting, racist rednecks.  Even my fellow Americans had no idea how many idiots roam the streets of our country. It was brilliant when you Russians got in with the NRA.  The NRA is like mother's milk to idiots.  Nothing works better on our Hoopleheads than paranoia.  They will get your guns, they will take your bibles, wow it is so easy.  Did you Russians plant the idea of fake news in the head of your dupe the old Trumpster?   With your puppet you have managed to completely divorce our simplest segment of population from reality.  You Russians really knew how to manipulate our chief idiot.  The loans and money laundering you got him involved in was a stroke of genius.   

Here Kadizzle sits in a town infested with the idiots you guys play like a well tuned violin.  You guys won.  The other day I had a conversation with a person that appeared to be relatively normal.  I asked that person if they would vote for your puppet again.  Yes, they answered.  The amazing thing is Trump can lie, cheat, steal, you name it, and his dolts are loyal.  Only the mafia has a better work force than Trump.  We may have invented the nuclear bomb, but you Russians have created an ignorance bomb that can destroy a country at a fraction of the cost.  You Russians have figured out how to set off a chain reaction of stupidity that makes fusion look do da.  Well 259 Russians reading this blog congratulations, you have done it.  Now I don't know what you learn about my country from this blog, but you sure know how to exploit the gullibility of our idiots.  You guys must have noticed how the the crooked preachers in our country work the dupes.  Maybe you saw how the rich use the Republicans to milk the dupes.   Maybe you guys should just move to our country and farm the idiots like the top one percent does.  We got religion, the lottery,  the health care scam, payday loans, you name it.  They are so many ways to get rich in this country by just lying to idiots.  Why freeze in Moscow when you could enjoy Florida or Arizona in the winter.  Now remember if you come over and move to those states they are full of the Trump type people that are easy picking.  Thanks for reading the blog comrades.  Let me know if you are supporting Kevin Cramer in North Dakota.

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