Monday, August 20, 2018

The day before the Train

Kadizzle will hop on the train tomorrow. This will be the first passenger train ride since 1976.  It will be the same ride as 1976 when Jasper and Kadizzle hiked across Glacier Park.  Only this time Kadizzle will go on to the coast with Stroupini.  Once in Port Townsend we will board Stroupini's sailboat and sail north.  What this means is the house has to be put in order before the journey.  Can it all be done in a day?

How about some politics.  Last night Kadizzle drank a little too much.  Between Kadizzle and the preacher we downed three bottles of wine.  We had a lot of good discussion.  Kadizzle has perfected religion.  When you commune with God on your back porch with your own personal minister it just gets no better.  There is no getting up early, no dressing up, and the custom service is far better than anything a church can offer.  The backyard chapel is more inspirational than the stained glass mortuary.

The conversation ranged from the Trump insanity, to science, and there was some philosophy and religion thrown in.  In the end we agreed we live in a very strange world.  Kadizzle has the best religion.  His minister does not chide him, his minister allows him to be an agnostic without threatening hell, and there seem to no rules.  Just be nice and respect people as best you can.  Now the minister did ask Kadizzle if Kadizzle would repent.  This was a bit confusing. Kadizzle got repentance mixed up with confession.  After we got that straightened out Kadizzle did repent. Hole on Kadizzle has to go on the net and look up the word repent.  OK, repent means to express regret.  Indeed Kadizzle does regret the way he treated some people he was very close to.  Repenting makes you realize that as you grow older you understand things better.  Almost always when you are older you are more forgiving and see things in a larger light.  Yes, given the chance to do it over, Kadizzle would have done it differently.  Now back to the man who needs so badly to repent.  Yes you guessed it, the ultimate rat, Dear Leader.  If Dear Leader started to repent, he would never get done.  Just repenting for his sins with his wives would take days.  Who knows if there is a hell, but it a hell exist Kadizzle hopes those coal trains rumbling through town are getting the stockpile ready for Trump.  Given the opportunity to do so much good the Republican rat has chosen to do so much evil.  Well folks that is all for today, Kadizzle needs to go to the executive suite.  Hopefully there is something to read while Kadizzle makes a long distance call.

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