Thursday, November 09, 2017

Too many letters

Kadizzle must be honest, he enjoys irritating Republicans.  It is something like the joy you get swatting a fly. Part of the fly swatting is writing two letters per month to the Bismarck Tribune.  The letters are about as random as this blog.  Who knows what they might espouse, but they do have the commonality of pointing out the foibles of Republican thought.

Part of the daily up date is to read the letters to the editor in the Bismarck Tribune.  In the Tribune letter section there are two other perpetual left wing letter writer guys who also shoot barbs at the conservatives.  This morning The Tribune published a complaint about the fact that Kadizzle and Larry Larsen write too many letters.  This has gone on for many years, and Kadizzle has people come up to him on the street and tell him they enjoy the letters.  The Tribune is a sorrowful paper and desperate for anything to fill the pages.  Like so many newspapers they refuse to be controversial or offend any of the powers in the state, so it works out well for them to have someone else do it for them.

More than once someone has written the paper suggesting that no letters be published they disagree with.  Kadizzle wonders why if these people who would like limit free speech don't just write their own letters.  Kadizzle got a good laugh when someone from the Tribune told him that people called and thought Kadizzle is paid to write the letters.

Brother in Law Ned who probably thinks Kadizzle is a little off kilter had a long conversation with Kadizzle in the kitchen this morning.  Ned is strong on live and let live. Ned also feels it is pretty hopeless to educate the Hoopleheads.  As the sun came up round and round we went with the pros and cons of being politically active.  Ned on more than one occasion suggested Kadizzle go to Walmart.  Walmart in Cottonwood is an education.  If you want to meet the unwashed masses, the gun totters, and the Republican base a visit to Walmart is in order.  Seeing the throngs of the hopeless would discourage anyone.   The CEO of Walmart is making $8,000 per hour.  The busted flat recovering alcoholic greeting you at the door gets $8.00 an hour.  What a wonderful world. We can all be the CEO, we are just too lazy and don't try hard enough. Right Trump?

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