Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Tribes wander back into the desert

Here we are in the Earth Module.  Mrs. Kadiizzle is making some hot cereal.  The sun is shining and it will be a warm day.  Kadizzle is contemplating his next letter to the editor of the Bismarck Tribune.  A good subject seems to be how the Trumpster has totally destroyed religion.  Religious people voted for Donald Trump.  Trump is a lying, pussy grabbing, con man.  How can anyone claim to be religious and not renounce the fraud.  You cannot go to an AA meeting drunk, yet so called Christians feel they can go to church and brag about their lying hero all week.  How can you read the Bible and conclude Trumps destruction of health care is what Jeeesus wants.  How can you support trickle down economics which we all know is trickle up.  Who would join a church that so clearly goes against what it professes?  Religion takes a leap into delusional thinking to make religion possible.  How far from common sense and decency can religion stray and still have any semblance of believability?

No president has ever disregarded the truth like the Trumpster.  Today he is calling the video of him advocating grabbing women's genitals fake.  First he claimed it was locker room talk, now months later he says the whole thing was faked and he never did it.  Just like his accusations that Obama was born in Kenya.  First he said one thing then admitted he lied.  No problem.  Trump declares himself a liar and his fans still worship at his feet.  The truth has completely disappeared from Trumps administration. 

Trump appoints foxes to guard the hen house every day.  Trump is the ultimate con man, yet the religious of all people look to the swamp drainer and don't see a man that has drained the swamp and filled it with super mosquito, and serpents of the worst sort.

Back here beside the lake we will enjoy a casual day.  Kadizzle may go for a ride in the mountains. In such an idyllic setting it is hard to understand the world is melting around us.  Some of our city slicker relatives went into the wilderness on a hike with Kadizzle.   At least they thought it was wilderness.  Sure it was away out of town, but no where near the real isolation one can achieve.  It was evident they were out of their element.  We have become disconnected from the planet that sustains us.

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