Saturday, November 11, 2017

Back in the Earth Module

Back into the tiny space that is the Earth Module.  Sleeping with the windows open and enjoying the cool night air is a blessing.  Sunshine almost every morning is great.  Speaking to Shaneka back in Dakota it was kind of sad. The poor guy is back there in the snow and freezing weather.  Once you convert to escaping from winter dread life takes on a different tone.

Tomorrow we are looking at doing a hike we have done once before.  The plan is to go to Devil's Chasm.  Three of the best Indian ruins anywhere are up Cherry creek.  What makes them good among other things is the incredible difficulty getting to the ruin.  First you have to drive 23 miles down a gravel road, cross three creeks, and finally drive up a road most vehicles cannot negotiate.  Then you start the hike.  The hike is up a very steep narrow canyon.  You climb up a waterfall, and at some point you crawl under a boulder the size of a house.  After all that you have to climb an impossibly steep slope and at last you are there.

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