Friday, November 03, 2017

The Tax Con

If you ever went into a casino you have seen the eyes of the idiots playing slot machines.  Some are in a daze and some look like children peering into a candy store.  You know the dolts are getting their pockets cleaned, but they love it.  It is like a magic show.  You want to believe the lady got sawed in half and your brain goes along with it even though you know it is not possible.  So here comes Trump and his gang of clowns.  These used car salesmen are going to rob the working class blind.

All of this reminds Kadizzle of when he sold vacuum cleaners.  The customer was told the vacuum cleaner was actually free.  All the purchaser had to do was send Kadizzle to see other people who would also get a free vacuum cleaner.  Now each time you sent Kadizzle to see the next guy you got $25 dollars off your cost.  Wait you said the vacuum cleaner was free!  Oh yes, oh yes, it is free, but some people will cheat and not send me to see more people so I want you to pay me $270 for the vacuum that cost me $40.  This is just to insure that you send me to see people (other suckers).  As a high school student Kadizzle learned how the scam works. Kadizzle learned that indeed there are dolts out there you can rob by talking to them.  Republicans know what Kadizzle learned. You can rob people by selling them a wonderful illusion.  Here we go. I am going to give you a tax break.  You will never notice I am putting it on your children's credit card, and by the way I am giving my rich buddies way more than you can imagine, but remember you get to buy candy with your tax break.  The dolts jump for joy with the good news. The con man loves them.

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