Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Poke em in the eye

Today's assignment.  Read Tom Friedman's article in today's New York Times.  Friedman dose an excellent job of explaining how Trump is driving our country into the ground while giving China everything China wants.

Kadizzle has an older brother that is 76.  Kadizzle spoke with him on the phone the other day. In the course of the conversation big brother mentioned how much he likes Trump.  My nephew Tom's son took over Tom's contracting business.  Tom serviced coal mines along the Ohio River and did very well at it.  Now comes a guy named Bob Murray.   Bob Murray has been a crooked coal operator for many years.  Murray is just the kind of guy Trump would love.  In fact Murray has donated to Trump, and in return Trump has given Murray's coal mines a sweet deal to avoid regulation.

So my brother also told me Murray owes my nephew a million dollars for work his company has done for Murray.  Murray is just like Trump. He plays the fundamentalist like fiddles and has no morality. Murray operated a mine in Utah. Murray got so greedy with his mine he took out too much coal. The mine collapsed and killed miners.  Like Trump Murray took no responsibility.  Murray should have gone to jail, but blamed the collapse on an Earth quake.

So Murray is bilking my own nephew, and his father loves his fellow crook Trump.  Like so many crooked people Murray raises money for Trump.  How does this work. Murray tells my nephew he needs to donate money to the Republican party. My nephew donates five thousand dollars.  Murray calls back and says it should be ten thousand.  The implication is just pad your bill and put the contribution in the bill.  Plain and simple this is money laundering.  It allows Murray to donate money to Trump and it does not show up as coming from him.  So Murray and guys like him are putting the  heat on their suppliers to help the Republicans.  The whole thing of money in politics stinks.  Keep in mind the glorious Trump said he was so rich he would pay his own way.  Ya, sure ya betcha.  Trump has manged to create the most crooked administration in the history of the country, yet the people like my brother love him.  The saddest thing about the whole deal is what Trump is doing to future generations.  Trump's tax scams for the rich will toss our children into finical hardship. Trump's destruction of the environment will make life miserable for the world.  Trump's incomprehension of the economy will put our country in a tail spin, but if all this worries you watch Fox News and get that warm fuzzy feeling when the support Trump's lies.

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