Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Thoughts on Solar Power

Kadizzle grew up in the power industry so he does a lot of thinking about how power is generated and used.  Sitting at sister Patty's house in Cottonwood, AZ the sounds of solar energy being installed have been a daily happening.  Patty will always have an electric bill of $100 per month. Never more never less.  To get the deal they lease solar panels on their roof.  There are a lot of panels up there, perhaps 28. Each panel can produce 330 watts.  That is a lot more power than the house can use.  The company that owns the panels will sell the excess to the power company.  Each panel would light three of the old fashioned 100 watt bulbs or 21 LED 100 watt bulbs.

Although traditional power companies claim they like clean energy, solar power is driving them nuts.  Strangely coal and power companies are fight against wind and solar power.  The big lie power companies and coal companies like to tell is there is no way to store energy form wind and solar.  This is just a lie.  There are several ways to store energy.   One old fashioned way is batteries. Huge batteries will start to show up in cars.  You may have your car parked in the garage and hooked to the grid.  Your car will store big amounts of power and if it is needed it will be drawn out of your electric car.  There is an old fashioned way to story power.  You put water behind a dam.  When you need the power you let the water run down through the generators.  So on a sunny day when the solar panels in Cottonwood are producing way more power than anyone needs you use the power to pump the water up into a reservoir. Now you have just stored sunshine, or wind power.  Tonight when you need the power you let the water run back down.   In North Dakota we have a huge dam.  So when you have solar or wind you throttle the dam back.  When you need the power at night you turn up the power from the dam. 

If we use power intelligently it disrupts the old way of making money.  Coal companies don't like that so they want to tell you we need coal.  The transition is happening even if the powers that be don't like it.  Kadizzle is sitting under the transition right now.  As we head to the future there will be a lot of deceit and lying by vested interest.  There will be a lot of bribing of congressmen.  Republicans in North Dakota are already trying their best to stifle the wind power industry.  One method they want to use is taxing wind power.  This has the net effect of giving a tax break to polluters like the coal industry.  As this all takes place the dolts will be watching football and worrying about black guys kneeling.  Trump will tweet and life will be sweet.

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