Saturday, November 11, 2017

Old Kadizzle gets religion.

In the middle of nowhere where we now sit there is no television.  That means you might accidentally get smarter reading something.  To keep ourselves from going boredom insane we subscribe to a couple magazines.  One that Kadizzle has read on and off all his life is The New Yorker.  The cartoons alone are worth the price.  Additionally the magazine has some really good articles on the rodents that abuse our country like Trump, and the Sackler family.

Now to religion.  The latest issue has an article on Martin Luther.  What inspired Kadizzle to read it is a mystery.  The article turned out to be enlightening.  What really got Kadizzle's attention was how the church sold indulgences.  It would make a time share salesman blush.  You could buy a certain amount of time out of purgatory.

Reading about the church in the time of Luther reminded Kadizzle so much of how the Republican Party works.  Now you can buy indulgences from congress.  Bilking the stupid has been a centuries old game, and no one does it better than religion.  No product is better to sell than fantasy.  Fox News has perfected fantasy in modern times. Trump is the king of selling the fantasy.  So politics has become the modern religion, and lying to the stupid has continued to be the most effective way to bilk the masses.

The religion of today is as absurd as the past.  Trickle down is the religion. Give me money and you will prosper. The church always pulled that trick, now the Republicans are pulling that scam on behalf of the rich.  It has been a long time since Martin Luther yelled scam at the Pope, but here we are again hundreds of years latter with Pope Trump, and his gang of Republican Cardinals fleecing the flock.

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