Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A long hike

Up on the mountain early in the morning Kadizzle set out to hike Pigeon Trail and on down the Oak Flat trail.  Our trail crew stopped to clear brush on an adjoining trail.  The long and short of it was the long of it.  The whole hike was about 9 or ten miles, but mountain hikes are not at all like level hikes.  If you have done a lot of hiking you realize going down is about as bad as going up.  You legs take a beating going down.  The brakes take a lot of abuse.  Sore Kadizzle finally trickled out at the bottom.

Later the gang went for pizza and then a long night of snoring.  The hike made Kadizzle sore, but Mrs Kadizzle doing her snore kick didn't help.  Mrs Kadizzle claimed the old man snored all night.

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