Monday, July 25, 2016

Where did logic and reality Go?

If you see two birds in a tree, you can count them, one two.  You can count murders, cars, money, and so on.  You can chose to ignore the numbers.  Crime has gone down according to the numbers, things are way better than people believe.  Read Paul Krugman's article in the New York Times today.  Donald Trump has no respect for the truth. Donald Trump says the United States is the highest taxed country in the world, simply a lie.  The United States is about 36 among developed countries. Donald never corrects his lies.

Now lets go to logic.  Republicans do everything in their power to destroy Obama care and make it fail, then they bitch that it is a failure.  The same is true for government.  Republican obstructionist do everything they can to stifle the IRS and the EPA.  Then they bitch because these agencies are inefficient. Yup, you take the air out of the taxi's tires, then bitch about how bad the taxi service is.  Health care is the most insane example. Bitching about health care is a national sport.  Why do we have insurance companies?  Insurance companies add nothing to the product they only enrich insurance executives, and stockholders.  Anyone who understands how insurance works knows it is exactly the same as how a casino works. You take someones money, keep some for yourself, and give as little back as possible.  That is how insurance works.  Insurance companies take in money, just like a slot machine does.  Insurance companies pay out, just like a slot machine does.  Sure one guy gets more quarters back than the other guy put in, but the Casino produced no cars, no coal, no nothing, they simply stole some money as it went by.  That is how health insurance works.  The CEO of an insurance company is paid millions.  All his company does is shuffle money.  Wall Street has perfected this.  You shuffle money, steal a little and create the illusion you did something.  If there were no insurance companies involved in health care stealing billions, the billions could be spent on actual care for actual human being.  Most civilized countries have figured this out, but not the United States of Bubba.  We know there will be death panels, and all the other hocus pocus.  Facts simply do not bear this out, be we love being confused. So when you compare the outcome of health care decisions in our country to other advanced countries we have the most expensive and ineffective health care in the world, but lets just ignore those pesky facts and keep bitching.

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