Saturday, July 16, 2016

Lets be afraid

Want people to do something? Scare them. Yell, "There is a snake".  They will move.  The world is awash in groups using the scare tactic, and no one has mastered it like the Republicans.  Someone is always going to "Get you".  Of course the terrorist may strike any moment, anywhere, so the best thing to do is stay inside and watch TV.   Then the next threat is the atheist, the Democrats, the poor, the socialist, and on it goes.  Just whoop up some fear and then say you will protect the dingers from socialist, snakes, and poor people.  Now you are elected, and all you need to do is bomb some bad guys to show you are the protector.

One you have people scared you can start to twist the rules.  You can torture people, you can lynch people, and you can oppress people.  So let's get on with it.  Let's pick two good enemies.  Muslims, and socialist are my choice.  Throwing religion into the mix always works.  Hitler figured that out.  Remember the need to feel someone is after you.  Paranoia always is a good tactic. Someone is trying to get you or what you have. The Democrats are trying to get you and give your stuff to the poor.  Maybe we could sell you a gun so when the poor come to get your stuff you can shoot them.  So we need to make this simple. You need to be able to spot the enemy.  Simple solution, the enemy is black or a Muslim you can spot wearing a religious suit.  This all works great, now how about some carnival barkers to really stir things up. Rush and Fox News will step up to the task. They will bend, twist and lie about all those people coming to get your stuff.  They will whip you into a frenzy, and make sure you have the knowledge you need to speak at the coffee group down at the gas station.

What about a savior? Well we need to make America great again, and The Donald is the man to do it. The Donald will bomb, torture, and build walls.  The Donald will give back America to old white men who have always owned it.  So crank up the radio, and let Rush give you the news as fast as he can make it up.

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