Monday, July 18, 2016

Once upon a time

Once upon a time there was a little girl, who played with the other little girl up the street.  The little girl grew up, had a young son and got a job.  Kadizzle had known the young girl her entire life and thought he might impart some advice to her.  Somehow she told Kadizzle she wanted to get a tattoo to honor her father who passed away in an unfortunate accident.  Kadizzle explained to the young woman that a tattoo was a waste of money, what she should do is put the money in a fund to send her child to college. This would be much more of an honor to her father than a tattoo.  Kadizzle ran out the numbers and showed her that in sixteen years her five hundred dollar tattoo money could turn into significant college money.  The young mother agreed what Kadizzle explained made sense.  As Kadizzle walked out the door thinking he had done a good deed the young mom said " I am getting the tattoo".

Facts, reality, logic, math, nothing fazed her.  She wanted to believe the best thing was to get the tattoo.  Well after just reading about the insanity of Donald Trump and how so many people just act like he is not nuts, does not lie, and is not a disaster, Kadizzle wondered how can people divorce themselves from reality.  The tattoo mom explains it all.  They want something they want, that defies logic.  Like the young people that want to pierce their tongue.  Why?  What sense does it make to pound a nail through your tongue? You defied logic, you created pain, and now you are happy.  This same human phenomenon may get us the worst and most dangerous president ever.  How does it work? Kadizzle will just have to pound a nail through his tongue or get a penis piercing to find out.

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