Monday, June 13, 2016

The Turbine is spinning

Cory and Jeff the basement trolls got home early today.  Cory is bound and determined to blast off right away.  Looks like Jeff and Kadizzle will be cooking ribs on the grill by ourselves. Jeff will crank up the Buick Roadmaster and blast to New York in the morning.  The Commander will return on the big jet tomorrow and the planets will all be re-aligned.  Just in time Jeff and Cory got the turbine at AVS spinning for the hot weather.

Last night Cory and Kadizzle went to the golf course to wish my dentist goodbye.  A staunch Republican approached Kadizzle and we had a nice chat.  My Republican friend said he rarely agreed with Kadizzle on political views, but he thought Kadizzle was right on the money criticizing Trump.  It has been fun getting compliments from the right wingers with functioning brains.  Some of the more intelligent Republicans are not happy that money is buying their party.  On the state level the gentleman last night was disappointed that the rich guy is trying just plunk down his cash and be governor.  On the national level we have the same thing. Once Republicans put the democracy up for sale with unlimited campaign contributions they should have known the rich would be in charge.  So the bottom line is all the old hard working Republicans who put the party together are now having it bought out from under them by new comers.  Welcome to my world.

It will be a different life with the basement trolls gone.  It is like having your kids leave for college.  Don't know if we can stand the solitude.  Had a great sail with Cory yesterday and it is sad he will not be able to be a deck hand again.

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