Saturday, June 25, 2016

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Chuck is out looking for a place to eat. We are in Republic Washington.  We must be in motorcycle central. The damn things keep roaring down the street. The hotel we are in is overrun with cyclist. Some nice Canadian Harley guys next too us, and met another nice Canadian Kadizzle had to give some chain lube.  Each tribe has it's own cultural traditions.  Harley guys are kinda the Bubba's. They make a lot of noise, dress in their special Halloween costumes, and get tattoos.  Then you got the non Harley guys on BMW's, and the Japanese bikes.  They are less the white trash type and a little more sophisticated.  Then there is us. We are the real tough guys with the Adventure bikes. The Harley guys haul their bitches and go to the bar.  The other bikers eat at a little more tony places and don't  pretend to be movie characters.  Us Adventure bike guys go up dirt roads and camp, we go to the tip of South America, and to the Arctic Circle.  Now here we sit with all the tribes out in front of our rooms.

The Canadians were quizzing Kadizzle about the American political system.  Kadizzle figured there would be some Republicans overhearing him so he made it a point to cut Trump and the Republicans to shreds. Sure enough a guy popped out of his room and said "I am a Republican".  Next Kadizzle tried to explain American gun insanity.  The Canadians just could not believe that any idiot can instantly get a gun in our country.

The ride today was very scenic.  Our first stop was to have coffee with a traveling acquaintance we canoed the Missouri with.  He showed us his vineyard, and his amazing compost garden.  Near his house he had a small compost pyramid. He figured why not just plant pumpkin seeds right on the pile.  Sure enough it worked and pumpkins a growing very well on his pile along with potatoes, and cantaloupe.  After coffee we has some spectacular riding along the myriad of lakes that line the road.  Kadizzle never realized how many huge lakes are in this part of the world.  Motorcyclist love windy roads, and we hit some great ones to day. We crossed the highest pass in Washington and tomorrow should make it to Chuck's West coast headquarters.

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