Friday, June 24, 2016

Chile At the elevator

Ask and the lord will provide. My compatriot Carlos Stroupini, aka Chuck, still needs to learn a few things in life. One is not to doubt Kadizzle. An important item the motorcyclist have found is ear plugs.  Kadizzle assured Stroupini ear plugs could be had for free everywhere.  Somehow we had managed to lose or use our supply of earplugs. When you are a professional cheap ass like both Stroupini and Kadizzle you never buy anything you can get for free.  With the wind whistling in our ears Kadizzle decided to prove to Chuck ear plugs could be had.  In the absolute middle of nowhere Montana there was a grain elevator looming in the distance. This was the chance.  Kadizzle pulled off the road and saw a bevy of pickup trucks at the elevator. This meant there was life inside.  After a brief greeting Kadizzle asked the secretary if they had any earplugs.  She answered affirmatively and Kadizzle thanked her.  Kadizzle also spoke to the head man and thanked him.  Kadizzle explained that the woman was so kind and did such a good deed that her boss should take her out to dinner.  At this point the head man said they were making chili.  Kadizzle invited himself to the chili feed.  His self invitation was affirmed, but  it was about 8 A.M. and Stroupini and Chuck had miles to go and could not wait for the chili cook off.  Chuck was waiting outside and was pleased to be able to plug the holes in his head.

So the next mooch would be a place to stay.  Kadizzle happened to have a friend in Kallispell. Ah, ha, this could be the answer to the quest for a free place to stay.  Wet and Cold we stopped to fill our pie holes with some damn good pie.  There were so many nice looking homemade pies in West Glacier that Kadizzles pie belly was about to have a piegasm.  Which pie to eat?  Chuck did not waste any time and picked some sort of lemon pie.  It looked pretty good, but Kadizzle needed to check to see if it was the right choice.  When Chuck went to the restroom Kadizzle sampled a small piece of Chucks pie.  Kadizzle decided to go for the caramel apple with ice cream. The waitress came back with Kadizzles pie about the time Chuck did.  She knew Kadizzle had sampled Chuck's pie.  The waitress asked if Chuck noticed the missing piece.  Now the game was up.  Kadizzle quickly explained that Chuck's pie had a fly on it, and the waitress had to remove the piece to get the fly off. The story seemed to work. Back to the mooch.  Kadizzle called his friend and said he was in town, hoping to be invited to his place for an overnight.  The invitation did not come and Kadizzle agreed to just a stop and visit.  Later the friend realized the mooch was on and called back with the proper invitation explaining he had to get approval from his wife.  With the rain the motorcycle compatriots decided to end the journey in a hotel at Kalispell.

At the hotel we managed to finagle the clerk into drying our wet clothing in the hotel laundry.  Chuck was sent on a mission as Kadizzle's personal shopper at a nearby thrift store and managed to come back with a hat to replace one blown away somewhere on the trip. However, Chuck did not get any new shoes for Kadizzle.

Kadizzle and Chuck are two of the most frugal, or cheap if you prefer people on the planet.  This morning Kadizzle noticed Chuck checking the obituaries in the Bismarck Tribune.  This evening his scheme was revealed.  It turns out Chuck looks for guys his size who have no longer a use for their clothes since they will be wearing holy garments in heaven.  Soon their cloths will be in the local thrift store for Chuck to buy at a bargain.  Kadizzle admired Chucks ingenuity and plans to ask the Bismark Tribune to publish the weight of the deceased this will help with the sizing.  Obituaries should say things like "He enjoyed wearing his size ten shoes when they were polished".

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