Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Music in the morning.

Last night Kadizzle watched a video on a steam engine moving from Wallsenberg, Colorado to Denver.  To get the train going they had to fire the boiler.  In the morning old Kadizzle has to fire his boiler.  It takes two cups of coffee. Having some music blasting in the background while he gets up to date can help.  Often the old Commander tells Kadizzle to hop to some task early in the day.  That steam engine does not just hop out of the station. The engine needs pressure. Stoke that machine until there is enough pressure to get going.  One other thing the video showed was the crew greasing the engine.  They had the world's largest grease gun.  Now old Kadizzle has to be greased to get going.  The way to grease a big old fat man is to cook him a little. The trick is to get some fat to melt to make the grease.  So hop in the shower and set it on cook.  When a little Kadizzle starts to melt he is ready to go.  To top off the wake up one Sonos speaker goes in the shower room. Now blast out a tune while you cook.  The procedure is done. Face the day, wreck havoc, wander about, another day, another sun rise.  Some day you may rise and  Kadizzle will not so fill to him the parting glass, that you could rise and he did not.

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