Thursday, September 24, 2015

It is not that scary, In fact it looks pretty good

Kadizzle is spending his first day in the kingdom of his hero Bernie Sanders.  This is the first time ever Kadizzle has visited a socialist state in the United States.  The sun is shining brightly.  There does not seem to be little if any slumming.  People seem happy and prosperous. Not at all sure what is so scary about socialism.  The people all seem happy and hard working. What do they know that the rest of the United States cannot figure out.  Why did these happy people elect a socialist?

When you visit a placer that embraces the world differently, and it works, it is a lesson in life.  Europeans have an entirely different social system and view on life, it works.  When you visit any area or place one thing you cannot help but notice is how income disparity works out.  In the United States you can drive through the south, the big cities, and urban areas and see that the cake is not divided evenly.

Although people fear the concept of socialism, and sharing the question might be why?  When people share, things like extreme poverty tend to disappear.  Why would people fear that?  Fear is a motivator. People carry guns because of fear.  What do you fear? You fear someone is going to come get your stuff.  It is really very simple.  Why would people come get your stuff if they have their own stuff?  So if you make sure people have their own stuff, they will leave your stuff alone.  That is what socialism is.  It is making sure everyone has enough stuff so you don't have to live in a world of stuff stealers.

Of course the argument is, "Well if you make people comfortable, and you don't make them work, everything will fall apart". Visit any country that is more socialist than the United States. Did it fall apart?  Did Canada fall apart because of good health care?  Did all the European countries that have embraced socialism fall apart?  No, the reality is most of the countries that embrace sharing have a higher level of education, less crime, less gun violence, more upward mobility, and on it goes.  Reality just does not match the Fox News, Rush Limbaugh party line.

Often people forget to compare reality with perception.  Kadizlle and The Commander visited Costa Rica.  Costa Rica has no military.  Think of the savings.  The people are happy, no one came in and snatched their country.  The people are the friendliest in the world, and their health care is excellent.

Selling fear is a major project in our country.  Someone is always after us.  Fox News thrives on selling fear.  Insurance companies sell fear.  Does the fear match the reality.  Are terrorist really going to kill us? No, cancer, and heart attacks are going to kill us first.  Car wrecks are going to kill us.  We could have a transportation system that would be much safer, but it is much more fun to be afraid of terrorist. What fun is cancer research?  A terrorist bomb makes great news, but a breakthrough in cancer research is pretty boring

Today's assignment is to ask yourself " What drives my thoughts?".   Are my thoughts driven by reality, or misperception.  Who knows, but give it a try.

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