Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Father forgive us for what we must do

If you don't know who John Prine is you need to.  Sitting here listening to Fish and Whistle.  It is a prime example of his lyrics.  Father forgive us for what we must do, you forgive us, we'll forgive you.  Think about it, it is kind of profound.  God gave us insects that will lay eggs in the eyes of African children. As the insect eats it's way out, it blinds the child.  Remember God created everything.  God made us different colors.  You know the result.  Cancer does not just attack adults, little children suffer and die.

If you can pray to God and ask him to change something, it certainly implies he can change things. Now the question is,  why doesn't he, she, or whomever.  The only way out of this conundrum is to throw your hands up and say " Who am I to question God?".   Well Hitler thought it might be a good idea to kill all the Jews.  Of course people just threw up their hands and said " Who am I to question Hitler?".   Blind faith can have some terrible results.  God gave us a mind.  That mind figured out the Earth rotated around the sun.  That mind figured out many very interesting things that seem to contradict a lot of biblical history.  Did God give us a mind that can let us look at the Earth from space, and expect us not to use it?

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