Monday, September 21, 2015

A strange combination I never could have percieved

One of the best things about life is the strange twist it takes.  Today Time Magazine came to our home. On the cover was Bernie Sanders. The news is splattered with the coming of the Pope. If there was ever a person who had a difficult saying anything good about popes, it was old Kadizzle.  Right now the fates of the universe have merged.  Two people bring Kadizzle more hope than any others,  The Pope, and Bernie. Bernie was a shoe in, but Kadizzle never thought he could have anything good to say about a Pope.  Both Bernie and the Pope have confronted the uncontrolled greed of capitalism.

Finally we have a Pope that embraces the reality of poverty, and what causes it. Finally we have a candidate for president that has the guts to tell it like it is.  Perhaps the confluence will produce a long needed miracle. The fact that of all people the Pope has called out those who think unbridled greed is the answer to everything, is in and of itself a miracle.  What if other religious leaders would actually become leaders?  What if all the timid little men who now preach would get the courage to actually explain to their congregations what Christianity really means?

Back to Bernie.  Hillary is just the same old, same old.  Kiss the right butts, don't take any chances, say the right things. Bernie is thriving on the fact that nobody is going to own him. If young people get the fire lit, we could have an America again that belongs to everyone, not just the privileged few.

As a child of the 60's it was possible to see what people could do when they rebelled. Young people rebelled against an insane war the wanted to kill them for profit. Young people had nothing to lose. As the old song says "When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose ".  When you are 35 sitting in your mom and dad's basement playing video games, you got nothing to lose.  Revolution and rebellion are born from discontent. Slowly people are beginning to realize the Wall Street bunch has stolen the future and it is time to take it back.

We will never get back to the time when there was hope until we go back to the time before hope was stolen. Hope was stolen with trickle down economics, the busting of the unions, and the belief that more was more, and you always had to have more. Once there was a time in our country when we built bridges, went to the moon, built dams and took pride in the public schools, but now we take pride in our ignorance. The United States is not number one in education, our poverty rate stinks compared to any other modern nation, we have the worst wage disparity, we have a dysfunctional government the preys on stupidity. We have pissed away trillions on military insanity, while we fail to take care of our own people.

It the Pope or Bernie simply wake up the sleeping giant that has become fat, lazy, and addicted to cheap sound bites they will have done us a great service.  As a country we have found a new form of idiocy.  We love to be afraid. We are afraid of all the silly terrorist.  Oh, my god, they are everywhere, and we must arm ourselves to the teeth to defend against the Muslims.  Meanwhile our schools rot, we are really being killed by gun violence, cancer, and heart attacks because we are such hopeless lards.  We have become addicted to easy.  Want to retire, buy some lottery tickets.  Want to read something? Hell no, lets watch football and let Fox News fill us full of shit.  Lets vote for the same old same old that has created the current mess of inaction.

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