Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Little Bit of Everythng

OK, boys and girls you assignment today is to listen to this song.  Kadizzle quickly got addicted to it. The song sums up life so well and so succinctly. A guy is getting ready to jump of the Golden Gate bridge, and the police pull up and ask why are you doing it.  His answer is "It is a little bit of everything".

Listen carefully, as the jumper says, it is the biscuits and the beans, it is a little bit of everything.  So many songs sum things up much better than any other format. You get the emotion of the music and the philosophy condensed to it's simplest form.

So many people let the words pass by to quickly, but my old buddy Chuck and I sat at my kitchen table and listened last Sunday.  Chuck had just come back from church.  We discussed the song and a few other things it seemed like a church service in itself.  Some song writers have a knack for getting it right on the money.  If you are not a John Prine fan, then you owe it to yourself to be one.  So many times when Kadizzle gets lost in life he simply sits and listens to the wisdom of Leonard Cohen, John Prine, or Bob Dylan.  Some day if the notion every comes to reality Kadizzle is going to plagiarize a story.  The idea sits in the cobwebs of his head, but the deed has not been done. The idea is to write a story by pasting together the words from different songs.  It will be the ultimate crossword puzzle.

What makes you depressed, what makes you happy?  It is a little bit of everything, the biscuits and the beans.  Life does not have one big answer, it is a little bit of everything.

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