Saturday, March 21, 2015

Upon this rock, I shall build my church

Sisyphus, has always been a role model for Kadizzle. Who in the hell is Sisyphus? You remember, the Greek gods punished him by forcing him to roll a huge rock up a hill. He never succeeded, the rock always rolled back down on him.  With The Commander in her usual mode telling Kadizzle it was hopeless, Kadizzle set out to move a two ton rock from a Forest Service road.  Kadizzle loves the concept of doing the impossible.  Up Oak Creek we went with our three quarter ton truck, and a huge tow strap.  After hooking the strap to the rock down the road we went. Kadizzle was surprised the Dodge Ram handled the rock so well. It would have made a wonderful commercial for Dodge.  Now a problem arose. Just as the rock was just about to reach it's new home the tow strap went under the rock.  Our boss had given us a brand new expensive tow strap and we were about to ruin it.  The Commander for some reason told Kadizzle to stop the truck prematurely.  At any rate we finally got the rock basically where we wanted it. Now, we had to get the rock to move at a right angle to the road.  Moving the rock 900ft was easy.  Moving the rock five feet would take about two hours.  With two jacks, two 4x4, some shoveling, and a lot of cursing and grunting we overcame gravity and got the rock to it's new home. Kadizzle and The Commander have an ongoing argument from day one.  Kadizzle always starts a project with success foremost in his mind. How can we succeed? Too many times The Commander starts the project with failure in mind.  Kadizzle is always happy when the project is completed as planned.  If you start a project with the idea that you will fail, you will.

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