Friday, March 13, 2015


Kadizzle has a strong desire today to be a flumper.  Flumpers do what they want when they want.  The Greeks had the word hedonist.  If it feels good do it.  On the other hand the hyperactive Commander wants to go to the mountains and explore today.  The Commander assures Kadizzle there will be no hard hiking.  What a joke, it always starts that way and the next think you know we are heading to the top of a mountain. A motorcycle ride on a dirt road would be just fine for Kadizzle.

Often Kadizzle and The Commander discuss the real flumpers.  Today there is a generation of kids that never finish college, live on the largess of their parents, and put off reality as long as possible.  It is a great life if you can surf, and ski as much as you want and get checks from the old man to do it.  What happens when the current crop of flumpers reaches retirement time? The way social security works is the people who pay the checks I now cash pay in from working.  When the flumpers don't work social security takes in no money.  So get to work you flumpers so I can get paid.

Retired people and flumpers have a lot in common.  Both sleep in as long as they like. Both have to make the big decision of, what can I do to make myself happy today.  Both live by the grace of others.  Now there is a whole new class of flumpers.  Down in the bum camp there are three flumpers living in vans and tents.  These guys live on less than 1k per month, and have to live a very frugal life, but they seem content.  Today when I see some of the young flumpers I wonder if they will successfully convert to the bum life.

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