Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Dog eat Dog World

Update on bums wars.  Dr Dwane kidnapped Mr. Crazies dog.  As the sun came up it became apparent Dr. Dwane was preparing to move.  Soon Kadizzle found Dr. Dwane back in his old spot at Camp Bum More.  There in Dr. Dwane's camp was the dog that had been howling last night. Now it was clear why Dr. Dwane was moving. Dr. Dwane decided to rescue Mr. Crazy's dog.

Late in the day Mr. Crazy came back after leaving his dog unattended for two days.  Mr. Crazy was baffled wondering where his dog went.  Well at least the whole thing had a relatively good outcome. The dog is fed and taken care of and there was no shoot out among the bums or even harsh words. Will Crazy find out what really happened? Who knows, but all will be peaceful here in the Jackrabbit loop.

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