Sunday, March 22, 2015

Hallelujah, I am a Bum

As a little boy Kadizzle once remembers being asked what he wanted to be when he grew up. After thinking he chose bum.  Kadizzle always liked trains and bums got to ride on trains.  Bums are fascinating people. They have adventures, they have to be creative, and they seem to be care free.  Bums run the gamut from Dr. Dwane, to Gary.  Gary is about as unhealthy a bum as god ever invented. Gary is on the verge of death from smoking.  Dr. Dwane does not have a healthy physique, but tries to stay healthy.  Dr. Dwane exercises and takes vitamins.

Bums live on dreams. Dr. Dwane constantly talks about his next move to paradise. Dr. Dwane is going to move to a great campground with all the amenities for a bargain price. It is like the lottery ticket people buy, it gives them the right to dream.  Gary is obsessed with having a pretty engine in his truck. Who cares if you have to sleep on a cot in a cold tent as long as you have a chrome alternator on you 1969 Ford Truck?  Bums make the most of the least, at least they think they do.  Dr. Dwane is a solar bum which makes sense.  Gary on the other hand is a propane bum.

The there is a slightly different kind of bum.  Ryan and Max are relatively well to do bums. Somewhere they have some kind of house. Ryan and Max once had reasonably good jobs, but some how the bum life living in a cargo trailer appeals to Max, and Ryan trades penny stocks out of his van and claims he makes a living. By nature bums like to move. Bums get tired of being in one place to long and have to get somewhere else.  Kadizzle has some of that in him.  The Commander always says "No matter where you are you want to be somewhere else".  There is truth in that.

Are bums happy? They seem to be.  The future for bums is so foggy it does not bother them.  They don't think more than a few hours or a day in advance.  With a social security check, or a disability check the bums have an automatic savings system.  Both Gary and Dwane are currently technically broke until the next check comes.  Bum planning is basically how will you live from one check to the next.  Bums cannot really go into debt because no one will end them money. However, I must qualify that, Gary owes Dwane $11.50.  Dwane is damn near out of food and is going to talk to Gary about getting the money.  Gary is out of money, so we have a bum wide finical crises looming.  Put this all in perspective.  According to the New York Times 80 people now have as much money as half of the worlds population.  An amazing fact, and in that world most people are living on less than 1 dollar per day.  So here we have a bum finical crises involving $11.50 while 80 people have more money than several billion other people combined do.  Does it strike anyone we have a problem here Houston?

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