Saturday, March 14, 2015

Exploring the Poke Hole.

Hiking the mountains of the southwest the Kadizzles have come across many mines.  Yesterday we found a nice one.  It is always hard to imagine what went on when some old goat got the idea to strike it rich digging a hole.  So many of these mines are in the most inaccessible place imaginable.  The mine we found yesterday was at the end of a long winding home made road.  It was evident more work went into the road than the mine.  It always seems like the people doing the mining never had a clue how they would get stuff to the mine or out of the mine.  The little poke hole we explored yesterday seemed to be a copper mine.  How in the hell would  you get copper ore thirty miles over the worst roads on earth to Globe to have it smelted?

The mine was a classic and looked like the perfect setting for a western.  The best part was what we call the cribbing in mining lingo.  The post and beam at the mouth of the mine were in a picture perfect condition to cave in.  The slightest tap on the post would bring the roof down on anyone trying to enter the mine.  Kadizzle sometimes goes in these things, but this was not one he was going to try.

Over and over Kadizzle kept thinking to himself, you came up here built this road with a lot of effort and money, then dug a couple of tunnels a hundred feet in and said the hell with it.  This almost always seems to be the case with these mines.  The reality sets in at a certain point and the person realizes they will never make a cent on the venture.  It is just like the simple minded people you see in line to buy a lottery ticket.  You are purchasing the right to dream for awhile.  At some point you wake up and realize you will not win.

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