Saturday, October 31, 2009

Met a real Hooplehead Yesterday at City Hall

Lord Kadizzle wishes he was lying, but he met a genuine Hooplehead at city hall yesterday. Kadizzle has known the man for years, but did not realize how bad his hooplism has become. Spindly Riddle says Kadizzle is a portly short, but this Hoople was a portly large. To top it all off the Hoople was dressed as a Hooplehead. With a few minor changes he looked and was dressed like the picture above. He had on a baseball cap with little lapel pins in it. Best of all he had on bib overalls. Right away he launched into hoople talk about how bad Obama is. Next he demanded to know where Obama's birth certificate is. Kadizzle said "Oh No, your a birther?". Of course the hoople had no clue what a birther was. Then he called Obama the "N" word a few times. Also he made the mandatory comment about socialism. The poor Hoople had no idea what socialism was, but like most Hooples he knew it was bad. Kadizzle remarked to the Hoople that his son turned out so well and it was amazing he had a Hoople for a dad. At about that point the fellow asked "What is a Hooplehead?". Kadizzle explained to him where the term came from and how he resemble the simple minded gold miners in Deadwood that the term was coined for. Back to his son. It turns out his son is a fine young fellow, and very civic minded. Kadizzle asked the Hoople how his son turned out so well. The Hoople explained that his son was 95% from his mother. What a blessing for the kid. Next the Hoople tried to explain that he was not really that dumb. The Hoople claimed he was on a nuclear submarine. Kadizzle figured he was the janitor. Kadizzle asked the Hoople what submarine he was on. Sure enough it was classified. A little later Kadizzle wanted to get a picture of the Hooplehead for this article. The Hoople threatened poor old Kadizzle and Kadizzle thought it best not to have a fight break out at city hall. Kadizzle will see if he can find a good resemblance to the hoople and post it with this article. Will search under the bubba catagory.

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