Thursday, October 08, 2009

Hanging Glenn Beck with his own rope

Glenn Beck and Fox News represent the worst of our country. These people are the epidimy of the misuse of free speech. It brings Lord Kadizzle infinite joy to see that someone has taken the time to turn the table on Glenn Beck and is doing a damn good job of it. The best part is they are using every technique he does against him. It is all just too good to miss. Go to this site and read how the lawyers are mocking Beck's antics. The real beauty of it is that Beck's lawyers have to read it. It is absolutely a no win. Beck stepped right into the trap. If Beck had just ignored it, the fire would have died down, but Beck's decision to shut down his critics has just blown up in his face as planned. It would be hard to find a way to force someone to examine their own lies in detail, but the lawyers for the website Glenn Beck is trying to shut down are cutting him to shreds with his own lies.

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