Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week Long Sail, in searh of Marsh Mellow Trees

For twenty years or more the Week Long Sail has been a tradition on the big lake. Tomorrow the Kadizzles will head west for a week. The Commander just reported north west winds for tomorrow. This will not be favorable. The dangers are many, storms, drunkenness, Indian attacks, rattlesnakes, and games of dare to be stupid. However, someone has to continue the search for a Northwest Passage. With the lake at its highest levels in years we may be able to find a trade route to Seattle.

A total of perhaps five ships will be in the fleet. If we can find a country with health care for everyone we will try to capture some of the natives and bring them back to explain how it works. Prior to the trip everyone must be immunized against socialism. There have already been outbreaks in the blue states. Should socialism spread everyone might have a chance to live like the rich and equality could spread everywhere, so it is important we stop it before rich people loose their second homes and private jets. With global warming the marshmellow trees are blooming early and we hope to pick some when we get far enough west.

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