Sunday, July 05, 2009

Lord Kadizzle the direct decendant of a wet lump.

On Facebook my sister Kathleen wrote the following about my father. "Corey's photo of backyard camping reminded me of when Daddy was sleeping with us in the pup tent in our back yard as kids and we all got up and went inside because of his snoring and then it rained and the tent fell down on him and that didn't wake him. The next morning I remember looking out the window at this lump in the yard...a wet lump.

For years I have wondered where the lump above my belt, and below my chin came from. It never occurred to me many of my kin have the same lump. Now, I realize we are all direct decedents of a wet lump. Not long ago Lord Kadizzle went to the doctor. The Commander always complained that Lord Kadizzle was too fat. So at the doctors office Kadizzle asked the doctor if he was too fat. No, the doctor replied, you have lumpadiglyitis. Lumpadiglyitis causes a severe swelling around the waste. It turns out lumpadiglyitis is a genentic trait aquired by decendents of wet lumps.

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