Friday, July 24, 2009

Hoopleheads going to have another Tea Party

After the first great tea party was stirred up by Fox News the Hoopleheads are going to give it another try. If at first you don't succeed, try the stupid idea again. If there is one thing the Hoopleheads like, it is being scared. Hoopleheads are just like little children. They love to be frightened. Terrorist scare Hoopleheads, any change in our hopeless health care scares hoopleheads, and nothing scares them like a black president. It just isn't right. So the king of the hooples, good old Rush Limbaugh, you know the guy who got hooked on oxycontin supplied by his cleaning lady, likes to feed their racist fears. Of course he could not just outright say what he wants to stir up, but he knows the code words.

You can sell the Hoople anything. Who buys the crap Billy Mays used to sell? Yup, the Hoopleheads. The Hoopleheads bought the story lock, stock and barrell about Obama not being an American citizen. The Hooples still believe in the 100mpg carborator GM suppressed to help the oil companies. Urban legends are like fairy tales to the Hooples. When a moma Hoople puts her kids to sleep at night she tells the little Hooples about someone in Canada who had to wait for medical treatment.

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