Friday, December 29, 2023

Up extremely early

Kadizzle just could not sleep, so the hulking lump of humanity got up and took a shower. Outside the stars were shinning, indicating a nice day ahead. Winky is down at the Lake making the trails safe for democracy. 

At 9:00 on KKKMOG right wing radio the Hoopleheads will attack the mayor. The Hooples love Trump and are against sunshine. The progressive city council wants to move forward, but the Hoopleheads cannot stand the idea of paying for anything. Moving forward means razing taxes. Since the simple minded gave all the money in the form of tax breaks to the rich there is nothing left to run the little towns like Payson. What do you do? You have to raise taxes. The Luddites don't understand math. Life is a zero sum game. What you give to the rich, you don't have for yourselves, it is that simple.  The trickle down ruse worked the Hooples were told if you gave the rich money you would be rich. The lottery works the same way and the same idiots play the lottery. If you buy a ticket you will win, but you don't, you lose every time. The sad part is the Hoopleheads never get any smarter. 

So today on the radio the Hooples will tell the mayor he has millions of dollars the town has been hiding. The simple minded have been shown by auditors, and accounts this just isn't true, but it is the old Trump game, you just keep lying and that makes it true. 

Changing the subject, Winky came up with something interesting the other day. You cannot run for president three times. If indeed Trump won as he claimed, Trump has been president two times. So if the lying scum believes his own lies, he is disqualified. 

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