Saturday, December 30, 2023

Don't let the truth intrude.

Locally there is a group called Transparent Payson. It could be called prostitutes against sex. The last thing the group is, is Transparent. Yesterday their version of Glenn Beck was on local Radio Station KMOG. Kadizzle tried to call in and as the provocator a question. Immediately the host hung up on Kadizzle. "Your not allow to call in" was his response. Why? The answer is simple you might ask a question that reveals the false premises the Transparent guy is spouting. Paul Fromelt is the bitcher for the Transparent group. Paul has a lot of complaints, but no solutions. The town needs to be funded. Republicans don't want the wealthy to pay taxes, so someone has to pay for the ticket. In the end the same old goats that elected Trump have to pay the price of electing Republicans. When Republicans shovel money to the top, the bottom starves. Now, Paul Fromelt comes along and cooks up a conspiracy. There is plenty of money, and people should vote of taxes.  Anyone can bitch about taxes, but few have the courage to raise them. No Republican would dare tax the rich. That is why Payson is in this mess. Trickle down, trickled up and now we are broke.  You see the mind of the Hoopleheads in action at the grocery store buying lottery tickets. That is the solution. False hope, and lies are the fertilizer of the Republican party and the crop is idiots. Someone has to sprinkle the stories, and Paul does his best. 

Kadizzle drove to KMOG after they rudely hung up on him. At the radio station Kadizzle asked for an explanation.  The generalities fell like the rain, but they just could not answer the question " Exactly what did I ever do or say that you will not tolerate?" They knew they were cornered. What they cannot tolerate is the truth. Kadizzle was going to ask Paul Fromelt when he was on the air " What is your solution to the town raising the money it needs to operate?".  That question would have been legitimate, and very difficult for Mr. Fromelt to answer. That is the kind of question you don't ask at the Tea Party or when Paul Fromelt is fromenting lies on the radio. 

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