Thursday, December 21, 2023

Playing with the Hoopleheads

Facebook is a disease. Kadizzle's family said he had to quit. Playing with the Hoopleheads was just too much fun, and addiction is to easy. For over a year Kadizzle stayed away from the facebook drug. However, one taste of Hooplehead bashing and he was hooked again. Toying with the brain of the Hooples is like working on a puzzle. 

When a Hoople is corned with logic they always say you are hateful. Trump is a religion, and so much that pops up when you speak to a religious person also pops up when you deal with anyone in the Trump cult. Hooples equate rational thinking with being mean. How does this happen. Deep in their head they know you are destroying their illusion. If someone dresses up like an idiot, but thinks they are gorgeous, do you tell them the truth?If you do you are mean. 

When the doctor tells you that you need to lose weight, is he mean?The Hooples are happy in the bubble don't break it. 

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