Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Old People clearing trails.

Yesterday six old people headed down Deer Creek trail to take on the nasty cat's claw, and other inventions of the devil to tea humans apart. The youngest was 74.  Old goats making America great again. Kadizzle used the gas weed trimmer to beat back the ragweeds. Maybe we cleared two miles of trail. What if more old goats got with the program and did something useful? The Kadizzle pair has been clearing trails for ten years. Winky has worn out her knees and hips. Old Kadizzle is just plain worn out. 

Crumbling, that is what old age is. Like a bridge, a house or a tree, you just crumble. We are getting slower, the brain is failing, the belly is growing. 

Sadly as life enters the last quarter we are going backwards thanks to the Republicans and their evil greedy ways. Republicans have created more poor people, more homeless, more sick, more nasty, and more misery. The misguided Hoopleheads have been the tool of the Republicans. You can fool a Hooplehead easier than a five year old. The Hoopleheads were sold some silly ideas. The Hooples all think they will strike it rich, so the Hooples line up to get robbed buying lottery tickets. Hooples all oppose taxing the rich because every Hoople thinks he is rich or will be next week. It works, Hooples support the very people that rob them. In fact the Hoopleheads make sure the robbers have guns. 

Today Kadizzle will go to town hall to take on the simple minded. The usual Hooples will be there, squealing that they have to pay the tax the rich will not. The Hooples just can't figure it out. 

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