Monday, October 23, 2023

Why pretend?

 Slice it, dice it, put it in the blender, but it all comes out the same. Greed is the root of every problem. The NYT has an article about education. Poor kids do poorly. As said many times here, there is no problem. There is enough food, housing, and hamburgers for everyone. But, nope, a few people took everything. 81People have half the wealth of the world, and 400 families own half the wealth of the United States. Kadizzle had a mind blowing experience in Barcelona seeing one of Sam Waltons offspring's yacht. There it sat a 300 million dollar yacht with a crew of forty five. Of course little miss Walton was not on it. She was somewhere else pissing away money that could be used to save the planet. When people don't have enough money they steal. When people don't have enough food they move to the United States via Mexico. Every problem is caused by greed. Who sponsors greed. You guessed it, the Republicans. It is my money and I earned. No you didn't you stole for the poor. 

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