Wednesday, October 18, 2023

At some point you realize the ship is sinking

Long ago the ship seemed like it was sinking. The good sailing ship that served us so well for 23 years hit an underwater rock. Some fiberglass got torn off the keel. For some strange reason the bilge pump came on and sprayed water on the underside of the floorboards. For all practical purposes it seemed the boat was sinking. It wasn't. It turned out to be a minor problem, but how do you know when the ship is sinking?

If you have water above your ankles it is a good sign the ship is sinking. The Trump gang seems to have water above their ankles. Trump is getting more loony by the day. The people in the Trump cult are experts at delusion and fantasy, but even those dolts have to realize at some point Trump is a disaster. Trump is a record stuck in the same grove. You can be dumb as a brick but some signs you cannot ignore. When you look in your wallet and nothing is there, you are going to have a revelation like it or not. Trumpers are beginning to see that wallet is empty. Maybe the old lies don't work anymore. 

When the leaves turn in the fall you know it is fall. Kadizzle could be himself delusional, but it seems the Trump stickers, flags, and MAGA hats are fading. What does this mean? Perhaps the mental slumber is over. Perhaps the dolts are emerging from the fog. 

Locally the dolts just got a lightning bolt of reality. The local dingers brought a lawsuit against the town council. The dingers felt every expenditure of the town should be voted on by the public. The judge slapped the dingers and told them it would never fly. Will the slap restore some reason to the dingers? Who knows? The Cavemen may still show up at the town meetings. CAVE stands for Citizens Against Virtually Everything. 


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