Monday, October 30, 2023

Sometimes they get it wrong

Older brother who is caught in the world of Trump told Kadizzle a story yesterday. By circumstance our family came to own 400 acres in the absolute middle of nowhere in West Virginia. The land has fallen into the hands of my brothers son. To get to this remote place you drive 100 miles towards nowhere. When. you get to nowhere after fifteen miles on a gravel road you have to drive across the Hughs river. Usually the river is about two feet deep, but if it has rained you cannot cross the river. Unable to cross the river then you must drive another twenty miles and drive up over a muddy road past the hillbillies. After passing the famous four corners where four dirt mud tracks come to gether you go down into the valley that has the old farm house.

Back in the sixties we laborted to restore the broken down farmhouse to livability.  No electricity, no running water, an outhouse, and free natural gas. Lighting was from old gas light fixtures father salvaged from old banks. No one has live in that farm house for almost a hundred years. 

Somehow, the gubberment got the idea the place needed internet. That same gobberment had decided long ago that place needed a phone. So now there is fiber optic internet to the farmhouse in Booneville. That is the name we gave the place. Brother who likes to bitch about the gobberment said in order to get internet there he has to take a generator. Undoubtably this was a massive waste of money. It must have take at least a mile or two of trenching and god knows what to accomplish this useless task. However someone made money doing it. Now before you get your undies in a bundle think about war. People make a fortune feeding the war machine. The war machine gets nice young kids killed. Putting internet to nowhere cost money, but no one gets killed. People like brother can focus on one thing, and not another. That is why brother likes the Trump idiocy.  

The insanity goes on. Brother did very well servicing the coal industry. Coal is dead, but Brother does not want to admit it. That is how delusion works. In Brother's world there is no climate problem. Brother lives in West Virginia. West Virginia is crumbling. The state is full of opioid Hooplehead that love Trump. West Virginia is the third poorest state in the nation, and they love Trump. What is wrong with this picture?

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