Sunday, October 08, 2023


 First article of the day was in the NYT about prediction. An interesting article about how betting can predict something accurately. Kadizzle has seen this in action. When you get a dinger saying some Tea Party nonsense, ask them to bet money on it. They will not. How many times has Kadizzle pinned down a dinger by saying " I will bet. you fifty dollars I can prove you wrong".  Dingers will never take the bet, they know Trump lost. Dingers know the conspiracy theory is a lie, but they have fun believing some nonsense. 

This same principle applies when you ask the Tea Party to stand on their stage with proof that contradicts one of their liars. Gary Morris is a liar and Kadizzle asked Shirley Dye if he could confront the lying of Gary Morris on the stage of the Tea Party. The answer was we don't have time for that.  No time for the truth. The liars don't have time for the truth. When you confront them it is run, dog run. One time when Kadizzle confronted Gary Morris the liar, he said he had groceries in the car and had to leave. Strangely after he ran away, he never did get to the car to protect the groceries. 

Try it, when you meet a Hooplehead with some concocted nonsense, ask them to bet money.  Nope, you will see your Hooplehead stutter and run for the door. 

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