Monday, May 31, 2021

Donut Wagon Arrived

 Erin just came back with the donuts. Ah, a bear claw to believe in. Sugars will be coursing through the veins.  The Kadizzles are ensconced with Erin, Fran, and Sylvie enjoying the status of grandparents. Sylvie is now taller than grandma. Their dog Danny is a Wolly Brumpus, a walking ball of fur that insist on attention. The future of a teenage granddaughter is like walking into a war zone.  Shopping is mandatory when one visits the big city, so we already got the REI store done.  Only dropped $25 there a massive success. May have to take a long urban train ride to Ikea to get ideas for  the new home.  Rain in Denver is such a foreign experience. It has not rained in Arizona sine the early 1800's. The huge white cargo trailer sits out on the street waiting to haul our load of belongings from North Dakota.  Gravity waves are always dangerous. Eating donuts can bring on a gravity wave. Sadly a wave worse than that is a stupidity wave. North Dakota has been hit hard as the Trump Cultist suffer in the fog.  The three stooges, Kevin Cramer, Kelly Armstrong, and John Hoeven are still loyal to the Big Lie gang.  Going from Arizona to North Dakota is a trip from one redneck stronghold to another. However, one must give Arizona credit for at least voting against Trump.  North Dakota is still stuck in the fog and the muck. 

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