Thursday, May 27, 2021

Prayer Meeting at the Credit Union

 The Kadizzles are establishing a new residence in Payson, Arizona. To do so requires a new banking set up. Kadizzle went to the credit union yesterday to open an account.  The young fellow at the credit union said Kadizzle had to establish residency in Arizona. After going in circles for a little bit it seemed Kadizzle did not have an Arizona drivers license, he did not yet have a mailing address in Payson, and it seemed like he could not join the credit union.  Kadizzle asked the young clerk to tell him all the things he could use to qualify.  The fellow read off a list of things that would make Kadizzle eligible. You could join the credit union according to their requirements if you worshiped in Arizona.  Kadizzle laughed when he was told this and said to the young man " Lets start praying".   Kadizzle bowed his head and prayed that there would be lots of money in his new checking account. The young fellow was confused and said he needed to check with his boss.  The big cheese was in an adjacent room.  Kadizzle walked in on them and asked them if they would like to pray with him.  It all worked, Kadizzle is now a member of the Copper State Credit Union.  However, prayer does not seem to work.  There is only five dollars in the checking account.  Honest Omar, if you are reading this it proves " The lord works in strange ways", and apparently uses credit unions.  Of course Republican Jesus uses a good old capitalistic bank.  All of this resulted from Jesus chasing the money lenders out of the temple.  No doubt he joined a credit union after that little kerfuffle. 

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