Tuesday, June 01, 2021

There is no poverty

Its morning in America. Kadizzle is in an upscale neighborhood where his daughter lives. There is a landscaping war going on. The yards are wonderful, and beautiful. First world countries do live well. Wandering around it occurred to Kadizzle that the rich spend more on dogs and landscaping than most of the world spends on just trying to get by.  Once upon a time Kadizzle learned that the average person in India used 2 gallons of gasoline a year. On this little street where my daughter lives there are 13 dogs.  Have you noticed the dog food selection in the grocery store, or anywhere you go? We spend enough on pets to save millions of children all over the world from hunger, starving, and so many diseases, but who cares we are special, and after all we brought the world cell phones and TVs.  It never ceases to amaze Kadizzle that poverty is a human invention. You simply give some people way to much, and make sure the people you enslaved don't have enough.  OK, it is now time for someone to say " Why don't you sell everything and give you money to the poor".  Well how about this, the old Ben and Jerry's idea, the boss can only make 40 times what the janitor gets.  How about no one gets a three million dollar home until everyone gets a 200,000 dollar home.  How many billions does Jeff Bezos need before he is happy?  How much do you have to pay someone to invent diet Coke?  Trump showed us one thing, there is no shortage of stupid greedy people packing guns.  Why not wake up?  Poverty is man made.  When apples fall from the tree and no one picks them up, it is not the trees fault. 

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