Friday, May 21, 2021

The Gold is falling

Gold is falling from the sky. Rain at last has come. Rarely has rain seemed like such a blessing.  Maybe the streams will run. Yesterday we rode six miles in a giant circle up on the second highest mountain in Arizona at 9,500ft. Was a nice ride. It was striking to see the damage from forest fires.  The amount of wasted lumber is saddening.  With the rain we will be confined to the Earth Module. 

Every time you think the Republicans can get no more absurd, or lie more blatantly, they do. The denial of the insurrection is an incredible erasure of history. 

We sit here with the electric fire place blazing.  At one time Winky and Kadizzle thought electric fireplaces were gaudy and silly. However, we have grown to love the imitation.  The ability of the fire to mimic a real fire is amazing. The blasted thing does put out heat and you can stand in front of it an get warm.  Winky said it will be great in our new home.  You can have a fire with no heat.  

About a year ago we went to the largest flower show in the world in Philadelphia. At  the exhibition there was a fake fire.  Kadizzle saw it from a distance and was amazed they would allow a fire to burn in the open with no protection for kids. The fire looked so real, he thought it was real. Kadizzle had to go see the fire.  Up close he realized it produced no heat.  The salesman was there and explained to Kadizzle the fire ran on water. It used about one or two gallons a day. With the magic of science the water was vaporized and a laser was played on the mist. It gave a very real impression of fire.  No there may have been a problem. You could put your hand in the flame and it would only get wet.  This could be very misleading for a young child unfamiliar with fire.  

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