Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A Day in the Life

Cissie and Cliff are out for a morning hike. When the boss gets back we will go for an ebike ride up to the Sipes Wildlife area. It may be a sixteen mile trip like Kadizzle took yesterday.  The bike came back on the paved road and hit 40mph going down the hill. Kadizzle could have hit 50mph, but thought it imprudent. Today may wear a helmet and give it a try. 

Cliff invited us over for coffee at his house about 200 ft away.  With the fire going we talked a lot of philosophy, politics, love life, and what ever came up. Good morning.  

Cliff is into spirituality.  Not sure what that means. Kadizzle is into confusion. Kadizzle does not know how this all started or what will happen when it ends.  Who or what made this conundrum is a mystery, and that is just fine.  The human tendency to just make up stuff is dangerous, leads to wars, crime, you name it. Simply admitting you don't know or are baffled has a lot of benefits. Most organizations that make up a good story explaining the unknown charge for it. The Mormons, and most religions get ten percent to sell you a complicated story.  From an investment standpoint it is very poor.  If you invested ten percent of you salary, then gave it to people in need directly without the church taking a cut, everyone would win, but you don't get promised eternal life or forgiveness for your sins.  Do the math it probably cost a million dollars to get forgiven for your sins.  If you invested ten percent from age 25 to 50 you would be farting through silk, and doing way more good than building some huge edifice with stained glass windows.  Here comes Cissie and Cliff time to go. 

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