Sunday, May 16, 2021

Come Visit

The roof trusses went up on the new home.  An old friend asked if there was a guest room for golfers from the East. Yup, one of the great pleasures we anticipate from our new home will be the ability to host guest. Unless you are an extreme pain in the ass, you are invited. Over the years we have met so many wonderful people. The home will have two extra bedrooms. The reality of North Dakota was people just did not see it as a place to go.  On the other hand Az, does attract people. Arizona has downfalls.  Phoenix is a vast wasteland of concentration camps for old people. Contrary to most peoples perceptions Arizona is not all desert.  Sure it is dry in a lot of places, but if you go to the right places Arizona has a lot of forest and mountains. Kadizzle does not particularly like rank desert, but it can be entertaining in short spurts. Arizona is heavily infested with Republicans, and Trump cultist.  They can be tolerated. Of course you have a strong gun culture.  It does promote good manners.  Like so much of the western United States there is the attitude I am free to slum up my place as much as I want. This is reflected in the chain link fence culture.  You collect a bunch of junk and fence it in so no one will steal your old rusted car.  Fencing is something Republicans love to do. Republicans always like to make it clear this is mine and you ain't getten it.  The whole Republican world is based on the concept poor people want your stuff. Those poor people incidentally are who you stole the stuff from.  

Ok this inspired a rant.  Go to Phoenix and guess what you will find.  Every home has a cinder block wall surrounding the property five feet tall. Now think about this?  How many cinder blocks is that?  Well if you took all those cinder blocks or for that matter all the money spent on fencing and you built homes instead of walls the poor people would have homes.  Those walls are to protect you from poor people. If the poor people had stuff they would not need to steal your stuff. So do you build a wall or make sure the poor people have stuff. The answer seems obvious, give the poor people a job, a home, and an education. Republicans despise the concept of sharing.  Republicans cannot grasp the idea that they love exploitation. Slavery was exploration. Today we have Walmart slavery, and Amazon slavery.  The people who work for Walmart and in the Amazon warehouses are slaves.  The do not have homes with five foot walls.  Of course the Republicans will all say " If they just got off their ass and worked like I did they would not be in that mess" (They always leave out the part that their daddy gave them plenty of bucks in his tax free will).  More than anything prosperity comes from someone else giving you a good start.  Poor people do not have that someone else.  So back to the old theme.  Here we are in a world with plenty of everything, but the greedy have created poverty and starvation because they took way more than their share. Kadizzle quit that socialist crap.  Now we demonize goverment sanctioned sharing. Any goverment that taxes people is socialist. Taxes are forced sharing. If you tax someone and build a road you have forced them to share, but we voted on that.  Of course you did. That is what democratic socialism is.   You vote on how resources are going to be used, but that might mean I will not have enough for a five hundred million dollar yacht like Bezos.  Too bad, grow up and get along with a one or two million dollar yacht, but what if I never have enough? Well then vote Republican. 

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