Saturday, March 27, 2021

The times they are a changing

 Sitting here with my grandchildren screeching and having a good time. What a different world these kids live in.  Now we have three.  They have no clue what the old world was like. Growing up as one of nine there was not much spoiling or delicate care. In their short lives they have lived a life of luxury Kadizzle could not imagine as a child. Toys, and gifts fall from heaven in a constant rain. Sylvie has had more luxury vacations by the age of 11 than Kadizzle has had in his entire life. Every desire is catered to. If they do not become spoiled it will be amazing. The real world teaches those who do not know reality. Kadizzle has been trying to pound this into Sylvie's head. Your  mom and dad may treat you like the King of Siam, but the real world thinks you are just one more kid. At home you don't have to work or do what you are asked, but what a surprise life will be. There is a word called no.  It is a word not heard much to modern children, but they will learn. 

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